Johannesburg Temple |
We are two months and counting before we leave for an adventure of a lifetime. On February 3, 2011 Errol and I (Fran) were called to the Kenyan, Nairobi Mission. We are scheduled to enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on Monday May 2, 2011. We will spend one week preparing for our trip. We will have Saturday and Sunday off and our son and his family will be coming to pick us up to spend the weekend with us. Then off to the Salt Lake airport where our flight will leave at 9:45 am. Our first stop Dallas, Texas. Our next stop is London, England and then straight on to Nairobi, Kenya. This blog has been created to keep all of our friends and family informed of our adventures in Kenya. This is the temple that we will be closest to. We hope you will follow this blog and leave us some encouraging comments.
Way to go setting up your blog! We are excited for you and look forward to hearing about and sharing in your experiences.